Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oktoberfest-rapists punished severely

Munich - This act was like a dark veil over the happy Oktoberfest 2007: After a visit to the fiesta, two men stunned a young woman, raped her and had their pictures taken there.
Now have two 29-year-olds for the brutal act by the Landgericht München I in the so-called "Liserl" trial sentenced to long prison terms.
The branch manager and the student must füracht each years and nine months in jail. The student must settle for two years but still more because he has been convicted of drug trafficking. A 27-year-old, who recorded the deed with the mobile phone needs for aid for three years in prison.
The older defendants also are charged $ 10,000 each to the victim, the younger 2000 euros. This perpetrator-victim compensation has led to a lower sentence, the presiding judge reasoned Norbert Riedmann. He stressed that the defendants had been lucky that the young woman had not died by the anesthetic.
The young men were the former high school student on 7 Oktoberfest in October 2007 after a visit to the apartment of Studentengenommen. There, she stunned the victim in the opinion of the drop in the bitters. The two older defendants raped jungeFrau hours, during the 27 years old car while she Glaser received by mobile phone.
The police discovered the pictures in the homes of students, when they determined because of a drug offense against him. On denHandy images had been seen at the top of a wooden clothespin woman named Liserl "too.
But there was no indication derbetroffenen Lisa and Elizabeth - Views of the police investigation initially remained in vain. Today's 22-year-old volunteered only during the negotiation with the police.