Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fortune Werner wants a thriller

Düsseldorf - The hit against top Berlin - Fortuna does everything a new attendance record for the third league draw.
With crazy actions should fall the 25,000-mark it. The restaurant at the club Flinger Broich even sold tickets at night: From now until kick off Sunday, there are around the Clock cards in the "BAR 95".
"We will not rest," said host Michael Brecht, who has installed a three-shift operation. Another incentive for each buyer, as long as supplies last, there is for each ticket purchased for the Union game each a ticket for the "Circus Roncalli".
 Yet this is only an intermediate step. Wolf Werner is planning the big coup. "If we go into the relegation, we get the house completely full," says Fortune's Manager. "Exciting, fun and interesting football can not be true."
 News of the opponents would Rostock, but also Osnabrück with Pele coach Wollitz or ex-Bayern-Ingolstadt with professional as coach Thorsten Fink still possible.
Werner wants the criminals, "If I would now offer a relegation, I would sign immediately. We were in front of his own fans strong enough to win the home game. "