Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Financial crisis fills the shelters

Cologne - The financial crisis is here. Overall. Meanwhile she meets the shelters. As more and more animal lovers to her beloved dogs, cats or horses no longer afford - and they bring a heavy heart to the shelter.
"We have a ruler at the shelter since the beginning of some 20 new animals, but three of them are from people who had to give their animals because of lack of money," explains Ruth Gosdeck. Especially older animals in which the veterinary costs soar, landing at the shelter. "The owners say:" I'm unemployed, Hartz and can get the bills anymore. "
Some were also afraid to tell the truth when they have to surrender their animals. "Many mentioned as reasons for separation or allergies have suddenly appeared" says Gerd Kortschlag from animal welfare center Leverkusen. "However, we do not currently included in our more animals than usual Whether it is due to the economic crisis, can only guess."
It is worse with Ruth Machelet of Cologne Schutzhof: "During the week we get loose five Distress, especially the unemployed." People can not simply hold the horses. "Many owners are ashamed," she says.
Because the Court has room for only 30 animals, there is acceptance stop. Ruth Machelet now gives tips on cheaper Offenlandhaltung or supported with food donations. But often, too, can no longer help. "Many simply come to the butcher."