Tuesday, April 27, 2010

He rushed us into financial chaos

Berlin - As he could only have come so far? Hypo Real Estate CEO Georg Funke (53) nearly drove his bank into bankruptcy.
It needs to be rescued with public and private funds in the amount of € 50 billion before the bankruptcy. Through the HRE debacle has fully caught the international financial crisis now Germany.
Not only in Tokyo and New York stock exchanges went on descent, and the German DAX index crashed yesterday. Many are now demanding that spark must vacate his seat. He is said to have hidden billions of holes in the HRE - and so have brought the first rescue package to burst.
Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck (SPD) is pissed off at Sparks: "I get a thick neck, if the debt is to be deported to the policy." Another collaboration with the HRE's management was "unthinkable".
Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed: "Those who have made irresponsible business will be held accountable. That will ensure the federal government. "Today, Merkel wants to make a policy statement on the financial crisis. According to Steinbrueck, the situation remains "highly dangerous".
In banking circles, the Funke's resignation was only a matter of time. Also HRE supervisory board chairman Kurt Viermetz will räumen.Funke his place, millions of manager - he rakes in a huge salary. But over the impending bankruptcy of his bank, he was silent until the last spark, according to annual Drücker.2007 earned almost 1.9 million euros. Person may receive a pension of 60 a pension proud of € 560,000 per year. Stand back, he volunteered, he probably still get a rich severance.
Then can at least be liable to do? No. Unlike in America, in Germany, managers do not adhere with their private assets for wrong decisions in Job.t.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

American Idol-vortex to defuse

Munich - RTL now pulls the rip cord: A new channel wants to massive protests which viewers broadcasting concept of "Germany is looking to change the Superstar" (DSDS). Or not?
RTL spokesman Christian Körner told the news magazine "Focus", one is cutting the casting scenes now "sensitive". Repeats in the afternoon would otherwise cut or beiBedarf, blended with a beep, stressed grains.
Protect young people had criticized the program because people contemptuous malice. The Commission for Youth has also opened einPrüfverfahren.
The magazine said grains, the show was "a matter of taste and no dignity."
 Meanwhile, denied a RTL spokeswoman: American Idol is not defused! It was said that the concept of a successful mission would "put nichtin question."
 Thus, they showed parts of the Focus report back. Since the first episode this season würdenbereits the broadcast in the afternoon repeats of the youth protectors nachEinwänden shaped differently.
Bohlen ge-beep: If this were true? Equal right to vote!
And: We do the same again as the best boards you can read and sayings of the season! Reinklicken ablachen and!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"I'm Lieblingsstücke"

Paris, Milan, New York - where designers and top models are at home. But our beloved cathedral city has plenty to offer. In particular, young designers also make it the fashion metropolis of Cologne. The X-Scouts talk to them. Today: Lena Schröder (25) from the "Trinkhallenschickeria.
Fashion is your job?
Lena Schröder: Yes and no. I'm studying fashion design and designing my own clothing as a hobby.
What inspires you? My environment and my daily life. Garage sales, toys and much more.
What will you say with your fashion? Have fun! Not everything in life so take it seriously ...
Is your fashion particularly sporty or classic? In any case, sporty and comfortable. I do mostly shirts that may well become a favorite piece. For everyday, forever.
How is a fashion? "Very spontaneous. Since the label did not originate with a concept, there is no right line. It is very personal, because what I have just swirling in my head, is made. To create unique pieces and limited editions only.
Have you always been a fashion freak? "Umm, sort of. I grew up in Aschaffenburg, and first came into contact with a sewing machine when I sew with my grandmother's doll clothes. Now I have been living for 4 years in Cologne. When I get home, I just meis least desire to sew. Oh yes, I work at home.
Where do you see yourself professionally in a few years? Hopefully not in a Änderungsschneiderei ... Our own shop would be a dream. Best in a free-standing pump room!

Friday, April 9, 2010

It could change Germany

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The year 2040.
Storm surges whipped in Germany's north over the levees, but the farmers in the West are facing bone-dry and barren fields.
No part of the Federal Republic was spared when the earth warms.
EXPRESS shows how climate change, Germany will probably change.
Thus, climate change is likely to change Germany
Next »
Heat and drought in the West
    According to calculations by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, average temperatures could rise over the next 30 years by up to 3.75 degrees. Farmers should therefore soon be forced to rethink. While potatoes and certain fruits lose in frequent droughts, more important, as the millet grows magnificently. In West German metropolitan areas, the impacts of global warming in the opinion of Harry Lehman of the Federal Environment Agency are not drastic because there could be a significant increase in deaths from heat, because the aging population in densely populated areas especially vulnerable to climate-related cardiovascular diseases. Cases of malaria researchers conclude not. In autumn and winter storms will occur more frequently.
Storm surges in the North
    The summer is always dry in the north, in winter the infamous messy weather in Hamburg and surrounding area is growing dramatically, however. By the middle of the century will be in winter 15 to 50 percent more rain raining down on northern Germany, the latest forecasts. "At sea level, fortunately the situation is less dramatic," said Peter Werner of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, "in the next 30 years is an increase of a few centimeters to expect." Until 2085 the water level of the Elbe could also have an whole meters higher, tidal waves would then be almost commonplace. The tourism industry on the coast but could benefit from climate change: By the end of the century, more than double the number of hot days with temperatures above 25 degrees.
Forest fires in eastern
    In eastern countries makes the climate change is already clearly visible: each year occur in Brandenburg, on average 500 forest fires, ten times as many as in too dense leafy Bavaria. Expected in the coming decades, this trend is strengthening despite the many counter-measures, believes Peter Werner of climate impacts Institute in Potsdam, Germany: "In East Germany there are very many pine forests that are vulnerable to fires," the expert said. Another problem: The biodiversity in forest areas is likely to decrease significantly until the middle of the century. Reason: The climate is changing so fast that many small animals is not enough time to search for a new habitat. Even migrating birds may die if they feed on the forest floor hardly find caterpillars.
No snow in the south
    Green hills instead of white slopes in the Alps: The particularly strong increase in temperature in the south could ruin the operators of ski lifts in the next few decades. At the "Bavarian Rhön", the annual number of days on which the snowy slopes decreased since 1950 by over 20 percent. The Alpine glaciers have lost over the last 150 years, half of its surface, and between 1970 and 2000 deposition rates were three times as high as ever. The Freezing level rising to 250 meters today at the top, in the mountains pile up Steinschläge.Auch for wine-growing areas in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria will change a few things: While Riesling varieties are growing harder and harder to red wine is already in a few decades likely to grow perfect.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Zockt Postler Granny boldly from?

Bonn - Has a Postbank unsuspecting grannies directly ripped off at the bank counter? A 37-year-old former store manager was sitting about six times the fraud and theft in the dock.
Postbank branch in Endenich: Here are many elderly people to do their financial transactions at the counter. Once an employee with a bold stitch in the assets of the elderly, while enriching the very elderly nasty exploited? The prosecutor is convinced and has accused the employees.
February 2007: A 92-year-old lady would get $ 1,000 from the account. Postbank Staff Peter F. (name changed) gave the old woman the reader. It confirms the transaction by entering their personal identification. The charge of the investigators: Peter F. is typed in 2000 instead of 1000 euros as a withdrawal amount, have put the rest into their own pockets. The old woman did not have noticed that it deducts twice the amount.
Another customer said to have facilitated the employee with this stitch as much as 1400 euros. Postbank sent mystery shoppers into the store Endenicher. They bought on different days, copy paper, stamps. Peter F. is said to have the money later withdrawn from the cash register and not recorded.
Peter F. lost his job, but received 24,000 euros compensation. When Labor was in the process, the council fought on his side: "There is no room for manipulation at the counter. Each customer could claim that he had received only half. "
Before the criminal judge of the 37-year-old denied everything: "I had worked properly, not the acts committed. The customer must disbursed "yes" to confirm. I have no explanation for everything. "He said, also software problems could be cause for the inconsistencies.
The court terminated the proceedings. But the postal workers got a delicate fine of 5,000 euros. A means to attack the lawyers, if they are convinced of guilt, but can not prove this.