Wednesday, April 21, 2010

American Idol-vortex to defuse

Munich - RTL now pulls the rip cord: A new channel wants to massive protests which viewers broadcasting concept of "Germany is looking to change the Superstar" (DSDS). Or not?
RTL spokesman Christian Körner told the news magazine "Focus", one is cutting the casting scenes now "sensitive". Repeats in the afternoon would otherwise cut or beiBedarf, blended with a beep, stressed grains.
Protect young people had criticized the program because people contemptuous malice. The Commission for Youth has also opened einPrüfverfahren.
The magazine said grains, the show was "a matter of taste and no dignity."
 Meanwhile, denied a RTL spokeswoman: American Idol is not defused! It was said that the concept of a successful mission would "put nichtin question."
 Thus, they showed parts of the Focus report back. Since the first episode this season würdenbereits the broadcast in the afternoon repeats of the youth protectors nachEinwänden shaped differently.
Bohlen ge-beep: If this were true? Equal right to vote!
And: We do the same again as the best boards you can read and sayings of the season! Reinklicken ablachen and!